Crippled Mind
Dear Nagatha Christie,
A Hari Krishna handed me a book recently (I'm still trying to figure out if she was infact a Hari Krishna....or a Scientologist posing as a Hari Krishna).There's a gem in the book that stuck to me like syphillis, and it reads...
"When your mind is crippled with auhority, as it is, it is very difficult to be free."
At the best of times I'm easy; but being free is a tad bit harder. Don't get me wrong, your misplaced concern and morbid facination with my wherabouts are totally appreciated and fall into the same category as the all the other creepies that add colour to my life and negatively promote rampant paranoia on my part. I particulary enjoyed how you made the Higher Authority mind instantly conjured images of Darth Sidious. Kudos due on your part for the subliminal Star Wars reference.
While we are on the subject of constructive critisism, you do however stand to be corrected. Please, in all future communication refer to me on my lawful name, Charlie Sunshine. Say it like it's one word. Much like A Tribe Called Quest or A Pimp Named Slickback (say the whole thing if you will, yes- everytime.). I have out taste and sensitivity to your moral code decided to negate the explanatory noun in front of my name. I encourage you to try it out though, you might just be suprised just how much you like it. Although, I do know that your full name would be somewhere along the lines of Whiny Bitch Be Called Nagatha Christie. And yes. I will respectfully refer to you as such everytime....out of said moral duty and obligation- as you so elequently pointed out.
What can I say...Bitch's been having problems....lets see what my bottomless pit of excuses spits out today? I don't think I've quite kicked my nicotene addiction...even though a Malboro Red hasn't passed my lips in over a year- unlike most people, I say thank you for second hand smoke. And well, to be quite honest, I've been living in fear for the past few weeks of becomming a fully fledged not-so-barefoot hippie. Yes, you're right. I'm much to manic for that to happen. Minutes to madness is my motto when the sun shines. That and the fact that my parents never really let me play outside in fear of me being shot on the street when I was just a wee sprite (rough neighbourhood, coupled with middle class misplaced fear) the soles of these pretty feet aren't engineered to be shoeless. I also had to take time to revise me and Moth's zombie apocolypse survival plan- it would be neglegant on our part to not have all our ducks in a row....besides things are getting stranger by the day. A hairy worm keeps on following me in the garden. True story- so what does that tell you? Imminent.
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The Higher Authority...defeated after a stomp. How you like them apples now, biatch? |
But please, don't you dare fret about my standing with the Higher Authority. I saw him at a trance party a few weeks ago- standing defeated with a cardboard sign in his hand, looking to bum a lift home. Doubtfull he's comming after me, defeated is a colour he wears quite well. Your scare tactics won't work with me- I'm wys mos.
Burn, Bazinga! And haarties for less than 48 hours I might add. Ahem.
In brightest day, in blackest eeebil shall escape my sight.
Charlie Sunshine
P.S. Yes, everytime.