An eye for an eye
It all shits and giggles, until someone giggles and shits themselves.
My body, your body, everybody’s body is one amazing machine. Yes, indeedy. And although I was the type of kid that would rather let a splinter the size of a piece of braai- wood assimilate naturally into my body than have one of my parents attempt to take out the sucker with a needle….- I am not immune to the seduction and account –draining lure of all the glorious pseudo-medical crap that the general health care industry tries to peddle onto my all too-suspecting ass.
Like every non-German engineered machine, your body needs a little bit of help and perfunctory maintenance from time to time. Sometimes a stern lecture about bad habits, over indulgence and the importance maintaining a decent level of eyesight is necessary….well, for me at least. I have a penchant for rubbing my eyes and not wearing my spec-TACK-ulars. So much so, that one godforsaken day a few years back I gave myself a self-fulfilling case of conjunctivitis. #FML.
If you are giggling quietly to yourself…..what a sick, twisted person you are…just my kinda people- I say. But if you’re really my kinda people- you’ll allow me to weave a fantastical narrative and set the stage for this Machiavellian tale.
Deep South in the trenches of conservative suburban hell, the awesome that is Moth escorted me in all my myopic glory to the closest chemist. Anti-inflammatory eye-drops aside…. my blurry gaze settled upon…..wait for it….an eye-patch!!!! KISMET….I shit you not. Somebody, somewhere was trying to tell me something. I gave Moth one of those mischievous looks (with a heavy misdirected under-current of how this might turn into something kinky) and like a Flake….all resistance crumbled.
He sighs, “Fine….take it.”
You don’t have to ask me twice.

And because he's such a fucking nice guy, he takes me to this treasure trove of a babi shop (corner store). Basically Cape Town's Indian version of Willy Wonka.....and I, the namesake in this glorious tale....the presiding Charlie to this VERY rinkydink Chocolate Factory. Glass display boxes, stacked like an imposing wall of tetris filled with fire balls, coconut puffs, sour rope, musky chalk sweets that are reminiscent of rat well as all the racialistic candy you could possibly comprehend.
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Namaste! |
"Those are just facts, and facts are just opinions, and opinions can be wrong. But confidence,....confidence is never wrong!"- Veronica Palmer
Soul-less childhood aside, let's be fair and admit that I prefer Nosey Parker's just as much as the League of Extraordinary Bigots. Both, ironically are fair game when it comes to whimsical mind-fuckery! Sometimes I think people are just waiting for it to happen.

We walk up to the counter, off load enough sweets to fill the counter, offend the morbidly obese, insulin dependent and possibly perpetuate racial pornographic slurs (if you don't know what I'm talking about they're called k__fir balls). I muster up the most Bambified, doe-eyed moisture soaked gaze...transfix it to Indian Mr Burns cum Willy a small sad smile...and wait.
"What happend to your eye?", please feel free to add whatever stereotypical accent you want in here.
I inside.....look at Moth......
Look at Mr Willy Burns Wonka.....
"He hit me....."
I thought it was friggen h!-lar-ious, he thought I was serious....Moth was indifferent and taught me the consequence of my actions. Apparently my twisted humour is not readily appreciated in the suburban hell that is the Deep Dirty South.... especially around patriarchal Indian Willy Burns Wonka (lol- that name sounds like a title for a fetish porno).
Alas, I am no longer the Charlie to that Chocolate Factory and unfortunately incognito rat poison shaped candy, imposing tetris walls of awesome decay-inducing sweets and the last remnants of racialistic confectionery are forever beyond my grasp. But I will forever remember the twisted power of that powder pink eye patch.