Past Due
Dear Ms. Sunshine,
It pains me to inform you that your last post is past due. A month? Really? I'm not sure exactly what type of rinkiedink operation you're trying to run here? My sources confirm that you have infact come out of a self imposed exile. I personally witnessed you getting your fix of organic vitamin D at Sprung.
Boo Bear and the savage fight to freedom! |
The time for excuses has lapsed- answers are now being demanded for your absenteeism and colourful disregard for consistency. Should you not solicit a response in the proceeding 48 hours, I will be forced to uphold my moral duty to society this matter to a Higher Authority.
Your fancy split infinitives and pathetically veiled innuendo will stand no chance against the iron willed sobriety and reasoning of the Higher Authority.
Awaiting your pending response.
Nagatha Christie
Nagatha Christie